Your journey starts here.

Weight-loss surgery can transform your health, but it is not an option for all patients. You will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of bariatric health experts to determine your best treatment strategy. Your one-on-one physical and mental health evaluations will help us shape an individualized weight-loss plan that is best for you.

-Lynn, lost over 100 pounds

Am I a Candidate?

Medical guidelines for bariatric surgery are based on body mass index (BMI) and other health factors, including obesity-related medical conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes and risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Physical and mental health evaluations from our team will help determine if surgery would be a good option for you.

Attend a Seminar

Education and preparation are important first steps in your weight-loss journey. Learn more about the decision to have weight-loss surgery. It is not simple, and it is not for everyone, but it can be life changing. Attend our free, informational seminar for more information.

Schedule an Appointment

After you attend our free, informational seminar, request an appointment with one of our specialists to get started.

Paying for Weight-Loss Surgery

Insurance coverage for our services will depend on your carrier and type of coverage. Before your first visit with us, please speak with your insurance company about what type of bariatric coverage you have. If you would like to discuss costs associated with weight-loss surgery and/or other services, please call us at 912-720-9010.


Find answers to common questions about weight-loss surgery and services.